Chronological Sort Considered Positive

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Robin Rendle, himself responding to another post on “digital gardening”:

How many bangers on this here website are lost to the feed of new stuff and are only hard to find because of the chronological list I’ve slapped together? There’s so much stuff that I’d like to revise or tweak or scratch out—but keep a record of that change of mind for the future. Wouldn’t that be so neat? Going back over twenty years of work and watching your thought process adapt over time?

That record of evolution—of a minding shifting and evolving—is in fact chronological sort’s raison d’être. If you change your mind about something you’ve written, if you’ve grown in your thinking, or even if your position has concentrated into a stronger version of what you already believed: write another post. I would propose that contrasting those posts over time will probably provide a better understanding of one’s “process adapt[ing]” than just converting your personal website to a wiki.